
I Asked My Guy Friends What Weird Things They Find Attractive About Women And Their Answers Are Adorable

We’re all well aware that guys are immediately drawn to a woman with a pretty smile, bright eyes, and gorgeous hair. But what about qualities that don’t have to do with her looks? What do guys find attractive about women aside from the exterior?

By Keelia Clarkson4 min read
Pexels/Maksim Goncharenok

“Men only care about looks.” It’s a known stereotype that, when it comes to attraction, men place a lot of importance on a woman’s appearance. As women, we’re taught from a young age that having a nice personality is all fine and dandy, but guys will really only care about what’s on the outside. How shallow, we think to ourselves.

After all, it’s hardly a secret that while women do take a guy’s physical appearance into account, they tend to consider a myriad of things when deciphering whether he’s the right match. Is he stable? Wise? Fun? Trustworthy? Mature? Would he make a good father?

But what if we told you women weren’t the only ones to think about more than just looks? We won’t pretend that men don’t think twice about a woman’s exterior, but there’s far more that will attract them to someone than just a pretty face – qualities that aren’t inherently sexual or appearance-based at all.

Don’t believe me? I asked my guy friends what weird, cute, funny, and sweet things would attract them to a woman. Their answers were a lot more wholesome than expected. Read on to find out what they are.

When She Laughs at a Joke

Studies back this one up. Women love a man who can make them laugh, and men love a woman whom they can make laugh. But a guy doesn’t just like her simply for laughing at his joke. “If she’ll laugh, she’s signaling that she appreciates my specific sense of humor, but she’s also showing me that she’s lighthearted and fun to be around. That she’ll say ‘yes, and…’ rather than just shut it down,” one guy told me.

When She’s Good with Kids

I think we ladies can agree with this sentiment. There’s something so endearing about seeing a guy who knows how to interact with kids, and it turns out, they feel the exact same way. “If she’s really good with kids, that’s a major draw for me,” one respondent said. “I like seeing the different side of her that kids bring out, and watching her being soft and fun with them is my kryptonite. She’s immediately 10 times more attractive to me.”

When She Isn’t Preoccupied with Her Phone

We’re all a little bit guilty of being too dependent on our phones, but if there’s one thing that will turn a guy off, it’s being glued to your screen when he’s trying to connect with and impress you. One guy friend said, “It’s really attractive when she’s present with me and not looking at her phone, especially if I took the time to plan out a date. This sends a message that being with me is a priority.”

When She’s Wearing a New Dress (and Perfume)

You might argue that this is appearance-based, but it’s actually about so much more than the way she looks in her dress – it’s about her attitude. “Of course, I’ll love how she looks in a dress, but there’s something extra special when she puts a new one on and puts on some perfume. It gives her an extra confidence boost that is so magnetic,” one man explained.

When She Takes an Interest in a Guy’s Passion

It’s great to connect through humor and a love of children, but even deeper (and more attractive) than that is a woman who’s interested in hearing all about a guy’s dreams and passions, taking a vested interest in them. “There are lots of pretty girls, but a girl who’s pretty and takes interest in my dreams enough to listen to me go on and on about them? There’s nothing more attractive,” admitted a guy friend.

When She Has an Interesting Hobby (Shopping Doesn’t Count)

Who knew that hobbies weren’t neutral? As it turns out, there are attractive and unattractive hobbies for both men and women. And if a woman has a cool hobby, that’s one more thing that will set her apart for a guy. I was told: “Of course, she’ll enjoy shopping and scrolling TikTok, but I wouldn’t want those to be her only hobbies. I like seeing a woman spend her free time doing something interesting like baking, learning new languages, reading, photography, or creative writing.”

When She’s Good at Something

A guy’s attention will immediately be captured by a woman who has real talent and has put the work into being exceptional at something, whether it’s balancing a budget, dancing, or cooking. “If she can do something with a high level of competence, it’s really impressive and makes me able to imagine a future together where we partner in life,” one guy said.

When She Has Dreams

Men don’t just want a woman who takes an interest in their dreams. It’s also important to them that she has something she’s pursuing as well, that she’s running alongside him. Another man said, “I can’t be the only person who has dreams. I’ll instantly be intrigued by a woman who has a really full life, who has goals and aspirations and is motivated.”

When She’s Interested in His Hobbies

An important facet of attraction – of the lasting kind, at least – is feeling like you’re partners in everything, even the small stuff, like hobbies. When a woman can appreciate a guy’s hobby, he’ll be even more drawn to her. “Even if she’s not necessarily into my hobby herself, I love a woman who can see the appeal and even tries to pick things up, whether it’s tennis, video games, or photography,” one man said.

When She’s Calm and Poised

While it’s true that men enjoy helping out a woman in need (and don’t we like a guy who can actually help?), what will really make her all the more appealing is if she’s calm and poised, even in the face of unexpected difficulty. A woman who’s able to control the chaos of life will always catch a guy’s attention.

When She Goes for a Natural Look

Sure, this one has a little bit to do with looks, but not in the way you might think. A natural look – one without too much makeup to mask her appearance – will win the day. In fact, guys typically don’t like heavy makeup. A lighter, simpler look shows that she’s comfortable with herself, likes herself, and is relaxed.

When She Likes Something He Introduced Her To

Of course, guys like a girl who has her own world that she can bring him into, but they also enjoy the feeling of having introduced her to something that she ended up loving, whether it’s a fun TV show, a tasty dish, or a new city. One guy friend told me, “I like the thought that I added something to her life. And watching her enjoy it is really attractive.”

When She Gets Excited About Something

One of the most attractive things a woman can do? Get genuinely excited about something, showing uninhibited zest and enthusiasm – be it an adorable corgi at the park, seeing a beloved friend after months, a new idea they have, or a book they’ve fallen in love with. “Girls are so attractive when they get giddy about something they love,” one guy said. “When women freely and without filter express excitement – just being overcome with emotion – it’s one of the most appealing things in the world.”

When She Sings (Well or Not So Well)

Guys just love a girl who sings – but funnily enough, they like it whether or not she’s particularly good. And it actually makes sense. A beautiful singing voice has a certain undeniable allure, but even if she’s not great at carrying a tune, watching her hum and sing to herself is cute.

When She Isn’t Attention-Seeking

Both introverts and extroverts will appeal to different guys, but one thing that isn’t as intriguing is a woman who seems like she’ll seek out attention from anyone who will give it to her. On the other hand, if she shows that she’d only be interested in receiving attention from him alone, that’s definitely an attractive quality.

When She’s Smart and Insightful

It’s true, guys love a girl who’s got beauty and brains. But even more than that, they’re drawn to a girl whose intelligence allows her to insightfully point out things that he’s never thought about before. “For me, a woman’s beauty grows when I watch her see something in the world that I can’t see, turn over the pieces in her mind, and fit them together to show me something I’d never seen before. Especially when we can do that together,” one man explained.

When She’s Genuine and Kind

When it comes to attraction, being kind goes a long way. If a woman’s attitude is one that leaves people feeling better, happier, and more at peace, then a guy is sure to swoon: “When it gives her joy to comfort others when they’re sad, to make a gift or handwritten note because she knows it is just the sort of thing that will make someone smile. When she seeks out opportunities to make others happy, and you can see her beam because it does.”

Of course, guys care about looks, just like we do. But it couldn’t be further from the truth to say that it’s all they care about. The list of things that will attract a man to a woman is much longer (and more wholesome) than you think!