How I Built A Homeschooling System That Helped My Kids Master Their Passions—Not Just Pass Tests
When children began to appear in our lives, they became my focus, my passion, and my reason for everything. My story became their story. I created a world around them, designing their environment with intention, surrounding them with beauty, and nourishing them with the best foods—even if I had to grow them myself.

For my children, I raised goats and chickens, ensuring they had fresh milk and eggs straight from the backyard. As they grew, we cooked together, homesteaded together, and painted murals on the walls. Every aspect of our lives was infused with creativity and purpose.
A Life Overflowing with Joy
I had five children in six years, and when people saw me in the store surrounded by my babies and toddlers, they would often make comments:
“You have your hands full!”
I would smile and say, “Better full than empty.”
That response would silence them, in a world where so many were choosing empty wombs, empty arms, and empty dining room tables. My children filled my life with joy, and I was deeply content.
“So, you’re done, right?” a stranger would ask as they counted the children in my shopping cart.
I would laugh, “Nope! I’m just getting started!”
Later, while sitting at a café—ready to pop with another child while my husband had daddy time with the others—someone would ask, “Oh! Is this your first?”
I would smile and say, “Nope, my sixth!”
The shock on their faces never got old. When they responded, “Well, this must be your last,” I would shake my head, laughing.
“I hope not! This baby is my middle child.”

Building an Intentional Home
People couldn’t imagine the sense of joy and satisfaction I was experiencing in my heart, home, and life. Having a loving husband and a house full of precious little ones was my dream.
Everything I was talented in—everything I was passionate about—was fully realized in the experience of running a home filled with life, a vibrant homestead, and a few little side businesses that my kids helped with.
By the time my fifth child arrived, we were running an organic produce co-op and had an herb and soap shop in the front room of our house. I taught herbal body care classes once a week while my husband spent time with the kids.
We lived in a big Victorian house on Main Street in a small town. The backyard was big enough for some hens, ducks, goats, and several raised-bed gardens. Renovating the house was a challenge, but in that home, I gave birth to four of my children.
As my children grew, we became more intentional about homeschooling. Every room in our house was a place of wonder—learning happened everywhere.
• The dining room became an art studio.
• The living room was a music center and library.
• The kitchen was stocked with everything needed for cooking and science experiments.
• The parlor became the Imagination Room—a space for dress-up, theater, puppet shows, and pretend play.
• The servant’s quarters turned into the Quiet Time Room, a cozy retreat for reading and puzzles.
• The sunroom became our official schoolroom, with old-fashioned wooden desks and bookshelves.
But the real magic didn’t happen in the schoolroom—it happened in the Imagination Room.
The Birth of Fun-Schooling
As a homeschooling mom of babies, preschoolers, and kindergartners, I had a real challenge on my hands. I couldn’t sit down and replicate a traditional classroom experience while juggling everything else.
I had been a student of many methods—public school, private school, homeschooling, and unschooling. As an adult, I studied Traditional School-at-Home, Nature-Based Schooling, Game-Schooling, Montessori, Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, Delight-Directed Learning, Unit Studies, and Classical Education.
Despite having five children under six, I carved out time to research and experiment. My children loved the attention and connection we built through learning together.
I quickly realized that my three- and four-year-olds needed to be included in my five-year-old’s education. So, we embraced collaboration, creativity, and curiosity. We called our method Fun-Schooling—because it wasn’t about curriculum. It was about connection and creating an environment where learning happened naturally.
I was too busy tending to babies, preparing meals, and running a homestead to dedicate four hours a day to structured lessons. Instead, I made sure every room in the house was a place for learning and exploration.
My children weren’t confined to desks. Instead, they moved fluidly through the house, fully engaged in self-directed learning. They played, explored, created, and discovered—without needing me to entertain them.
Raising Experts Instead of Well-Rounded Students
As my children grew, I paid close attention to their interests. Whenever I saw a child lose themselves in their work, projects, research, or play, I took it seriously.
What did they need to fully explore their passion?
• Tools?
• Space?
• Time?
• Supplies?
• Books?
• DIY videos?
• A mentor?
• A small business opportunity?
Yes, they needed all these things, but more than anything, they needed uninterrupted time and respect for their focus.
Now, as adults, my children have a rare skill in our fast-paced world. They know how to focus. They understand deep work and know how to create an environment for growth.
As teens, we didn’t follow a typical high school path. Instead, we invested in their business ideas, talent development, and meaningful projects:
• Isaac focused on becoming a chef, musician, curriculum developer, and film producer.
• Anna studied singing, songwriting, art, and publishing.
• Esther mastered photography, marketing, and social media.
• Rachel delved into Renaissance art, piano, and biblical history.
• Naomi explored equestrian studies, animal training, and pet accessory design.
• Susannah developed a passion for health, fitness, nutrition, poetry, and missions.
• Laura became a vlogger and world traveler, capturing her experiences through scrapbooking and filmmaking.
I could go on. One of my children speaks six languages fluently. Another crochets tropical animals. Yet another is a jazz pianist. And my youngest, at ten years old, is obsessed with politics.
People often ask how we raised so many incredibly talented children.
It was simple. I rejected the cultural expectation to raise “well-rounded” students and chose to raise experts instead.
I protected their time, space, and imaginations and allowed their passions to guide their education. I designed research journals and portfolios to help them go deep into subjects they loved.
The Key to Unlocking Your Child’s Potential
You don’t need to be an educational genius to give your child the greatest opportunity in homeschooling. No one knows your child like you do.
The key is letting go of the fear-based education model that churns out obedient employees and compliant citizens. We have enough of those in the world.
You have an opportunity to shape your child’s education around their future—where they enter adulthood with:
Incredible talent
Entrepreneurial skills
Financial independence
Strong character
Deep focus
The ability to collaborate
If this feels overwhelming, remember: You don’t need to invent a new system.
Learn from those who have done it successfully. Observe their successes, failures, and strategies. Get a clear vision for your child’s future—and start now.
The greatest gift you can give your child is the freedom to become who they were designed to be.