
Hours After Gina Carano Calls Out Disney's Silence On Jack Black, He Announces End Of Tenacious D Tour

After Jack Black and his Tenacious D bandmate Kyle Gass went viral for expressing hope that former President Trump would be assassinated in the future, Gina Carano called out Black's behavior on X. "Enjoy the privilege of keeping your jobs," she added, highlighting Disney's political double-standards. Hours later, Black walked back his anti-Trump antics.

By Carmen Schober2 min read
Instagram/@jackblack/Evie Magazine

In an interesting turn of events, Jack Black announced the abrupt end of Tenacious D's current tour just hours after Gina Carano criticized his behavior at a recent concert.

Shortly after former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt, Black and his bandmates performed in Australia. When Black presented his bandmate, Kyle Gass, with a birthday cake and encouraged him to make a wish, Gass blew out the candles and quipped, "Don’t miss Trump next time," which was met with laughter from Black and the audience.

The incident drew immediate backlash online. Many fans expressed their disappointment and anger over the endorsement of violence.

"Donald Trump is funny and kind and he made a lot of good things happen when he was POTUS not to mention peace," wrote one commenter. "So my question is still—what did he do to some people to make them so hateful to him? I never see a real answer."

Carano shared her thoughts as well.

"@jackblack a man was murdered protecting his family for a bullet meant for Trump and it’s funny to you. A family is left without a husband and a father and you and your bandmates laugh and wish the bullet would’ve murdered Trump. Get a mirror and look in it and see who is looking back. Enjoy the privilege of keeping your jobs. They won’t come for you when you’re one of them, but once they’ve used you up, they will throw you away just like they have the rest of us. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? - Mark 8:36"

Hours later, Black tried to walk back his behavior at the concert, saying he was "blindsided by what was said at the show.”

“I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form,” he added. “After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour, and all future creative plans are on hold. I am grateful to the fans for their support and understanding.”

Black did not allow comments on the post—most likely because he can be seen laughing at the comment during the concert, which discredits his claim that he was "blindsided" or disturbed by what was said.

Some liberal accounts have attempted to alter the video to make it seem as if Black didn't respond to Gass' statement, but the full footage shows Black laughing and saying "thank you."

Gass also apologized for his comment in a post on Instagram.

“The line I improvised onstage Sunday night in Sydney was highly inappropriate, dangerous, and a terrible mistake. I don’t condone violence of any kind, in any form, against anyone," he added. "What happened was a tragedy, and I’m incredibly sorry for my severe lack of judgment. I profoundly apologize to those I’ve let down and truly regret any pain I’ve caused.”

He has since been dropped by his Hollywood talent representative and agent, but as of now, it's not clear that Black is facing any professional repercussions, which highlights another important layer to the controversy, which is Black's long-standing relationship with Disney.

Black has been employed by Disney many times, including a notable appearance in "The Mandalorian"—the same show from which Carano was fired for her political views. In response, Carano is suing Disney for discrimination with the help of Elon Musk.

If Disney doesn't fire Black and disqualify him from future projects like they did to her it's possible her case could be strengthened.

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