
Exclusive: Kimberly Snyder Reveals Why Healing Your Health Starts With Your Heart (Literally)

Kimberly Snyder is famous for her glowing green smoothies and celebrity clients, but now Snyder is diving even deeper into a part of wellness many of us overlook: our hearts. In her latest book, she combines ancient wisdom and modern science to unlock the heart’s hidden power to heal our bodies—and our lives.

By Carmen Schober3 min read
Courtesy of Kimberly Snyder

When it comes to holistic health, Kimberly Snyder has done it all. As a nutritionist, bestselling author of eight books, yogi, Solluna founder, and wellness expert to stars like Drew Barrymore and Reese Witherspoon, she’s spent over a decade showing the world how to glow from the inside out.

We’ve followed her guidance for radiant skin and digestive health (hello, Glowing Green Smoothie!), but as Snyder sat down with Evie, she revealed she's going even deeper. Her latest book, The Hidden Power of the Five Hearts, shifts the spotlight from diet and exercise to the true power of the heart—both the physical and the emotional aspects—and it just might be the wellness upgrade we’ve all been waiting for.

Courtesy of Kimberly Snyder
Courtesy of Kimberly Snyder

What Exactly Is Heart Coherence?

This new approach to wellness is all about achieving "coherence"—a state of alignment between the heart, brain, and emotions, but it's more than just feeling calm. It's a state where your heart, mind, and emotions are in harmony. Think of it as syncing your inner systems to boost your overall well-being.

“When you become more coherent and grounded, you actually become strong,” Snyder explained. “Your field is stronger, and you can actually create what you want in life more easily.” Snyder’s research shows that your heart isn’t just a pump—it has its own nervous system and a magnetic field that extends up to 10 feet beyond your body. The state of your heart—whether it’s relaxed or stressed—affects your mood, your energy, and even the people around you.

Courtesy of Kimberly Snyder
Courtesy of Kimberly Snyder

“When you’re in a state of heart coherence, you’re able to see more clearly, your intuition rises, and people are naturally drawn to you,” Snyder explained. “But when your energy is chaotic, you can actually repel people away.”

The Hidden Power of the Five Hearts explores this fascinating concept and provides practical tools for building heart coherence, helping you feel less stressed, more resilient, and better connected to the world around you.

Navigating the Five Stages of Heart Growth

Snyder outlines a journey through five stages of heart coherence, helping you recognize where you are in your wellness journey and offering guidance on how to level up.

The Dark Heart: This is where most of us start, feeling drained, stressed, and stuck. The heart and brain aren’t communicating well, leading to patterns of anxiety and exhaustion. Think of it as being in a constant state of overwhelm.

The Propelled Heart: You’re driven and goal-oriented, but at a cost. This is the hustle culture phase, where striving for success often leads to burnout. “This is where we see rampant stress, insomnia, and even inflammation,” Snyder explained.

The Steady Heart: With heart-coherence practices, you start to feel more centered and resilient. “You harmonize, pivot, and flow with life,” Snyder added, meaning you can navigate challenges without getting derailed.

The Devoted Heart: In this phase, your approach to life shifts from task-focused to heart-centered. You prioritize kindness, compassion, and meaningful connections. “It’s about being present,” Snyder shared. “Your heart brings you fully into the moment.”

The Clear Heart: The final stage is where true heart-brain harmony occurs, allowing for deep connection with yourself and the world. “This is where your heart starts to meld with the universal heart,” Snyder concluded. “Incredible synchronicities begin to unfold.”

The Daily Power of Appreciation

One of the most powerful tools Snyder recommends is the practice of appreciation, which she describes as a mix of gratitude, awe, and approval. By regularly focusing on feelings of appreciation—whether it’s for a loved one, a stunning sunset, or a favorite pet—you can shift your heart into a coherent state, creating smoother energy and deeper peace.

“Appreciation is one of the emotions shown to create beautiful, smooth sine waves in the heart,” Snyder explained. “When your energy is aligned, you feel an expansiveness in your heart, and that changes how you interact with the world.”

Courtesy of Kimberly Snyder
Courtesy of Kimberly Snyder

Heart-Centered Meditation: A Game-Changer for Well-Being

Snyder’s meditation practices focus on bringing your awareness to your heart. She collaborated with the HeartMath Institute to study the effects, finding that just 32 minutes of heart-centered meditation a week could boost coherence by 29% over a month. The results? Reduced stress, improved relationships, and a greater ability to handle life’s ups and downs.

The technique is simple: Place your attention on your heart, breathe deeply, and focus on a feeling of appreciation. “Just by focusing on your heart, you start to rewire your nervous system,” Snyder added, referencing studies published in the American Journal of Cardiology. This practice is easy to incorporate into even the busiest schedules and is perfect for anyone seeking a quick but meaningful wellness boost.

Changing the World, One Heart at a Time

Snyder’s mission extends beyond personal transformation—she believes that heart coherence can create a ripple effect that changes the world. “We’re at the end of a dark heart moment now,” she described, referencing the ancient Vedic concept of the Kali Yuga, a time of turmoil. “But the more of us who awaken to our hearts, the more we can bring peace, unity, and kindness into the world.”

She points to research showing that when groups practice heart coherence together, the effects can be measured on a larger scale. In one study, 554 participants in Jerusalem practiced heart-centered meditation, leading to a significant increase in peace and coherence in the area. The message is clear: when we heal ourselves, we also uplift those around us.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re feeling inspired to tap into your heart’s hidden power, Snyder’s new book is your guide to a more connected and resilient life. Available on Amazon, the book is packed with the practical tools, meditations, and scientific insights that make heart coherence accessible to everyone.

And for those who want to dive in right away, Snyder offers free heart-aligned meditation tracks on her website, paired with music designed to enhance coherence. These resources make it easier than ever to start your journey toward a heart-centered life.

Final Thoughts: The Heart of It All

In a world where stress, anxiety, and burnout are increasingly common, it’s time to get to the heart of health again, and Kimberly Snyder’s heart-centered approach offers a fresh perspective on wellness. Her insights provide a way to reconnect with yourself, transform emotional turbulence, and live with more peace and purpose.

“The power of this work is to change those patterns,” Snyder concluded. “We can’t control the outside world, but we can change how we respond—and that changes everything.”