7 Popular Diet Trends, Unpacked
In the craze to find the cure-all to digestive disorders and weight issues, while still satisfying cravings with any substitute you can imagine, society has pushed quite a few fad diets that each claim to be “perfect.” Let’s check out some of the most popular ones – the good parts as well as the bad.

As someone who has tried the trends, I can speak without bias. I’ve been vegan before, done the sugar-free diet, tried grain-free eating, and I’ve had to eat gluten and dairy free for over a decade for health reasons. I’ve seen the good and the BS to the fads. There’s truly no one-size-fits-all diet, and balanced dinner plates do look different for each blood type.
So let’s take an impartial look at seven popular diet trends and unpack the pros and cons of each one.
Gluten Free
Wheat is processed in such a way that it has become inflammatory for more and more people. Besides increased celiac cases and gluten allergies, some people find that eating gluten-free (GF) has simply helped them lose weight, reduced stomach issues and bloating, or reduced general inflammation (even skin issues like acne and eczema).
Gluten intolerance is more of a problem in the U.S. than in Europe because American wheat is higher in gluten; the majority of American wheat is hard red wheat which is higher in proteins (mostly in the form of gluten), as opposed to Europe’s grain which produces mainly soft wheat that is lower in gluten proteins. This is why many people who suffer from gluten sensitivity often find that they can eat bread in France, for example, without issues. Moreover, wheat should be soaked and sprouted to be digested properly, though it hardly ever is nowadays.

Yes, gluten-free options are often made with healthier flours and are mostly associated with quality brands that avoid GMO and use organic ingredients. Even some gluten-free options have merged with grain-free, or use nutritious ancient grains like millet or teff.
However, not all gluten-free foods are created equal, and gluten-free does not necessarily mean healthy. It can sometimes actually add more starchy, empty carbs than the whole grain or wheat version. Even Walmart now totes the gluten-free banner, and you can buy GF frozen pizza and GF doughnuts, which aren’t necessarily the “healthier” of those foods, just maybe “less junky.” GF health standards depend on the brand, food quality, and food type. Banza pasta does indeed have a much higher protein and fiber content than regular wheat or even rice pasta and fewer carbs, but just because Oreos have “gluten-free” slapped on the front in big letters doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Soda or even plain sugar is technically GF too.
Vegetarians avoid meat, while vegans avoid any and all foods/ingredients made from animal products. Sometimes people practice vegetarianism/veganism as an ethical philosophy to protest against “animal butchering” and/or abusive animal farming practices, while others don’t like the taste of meat or don’t digest it well. Some also might avoid meat out of concern for cancer or heart failure.
To start, veganism has some BS sprinkled in – vegan foods often aren’t actually “healthy” but are often even more processed with toxic seed oils than regular food options. Plus, soy products like tofu are often highly processed, usually GMO, and can imbalance estrogen levels. No fake meat pumped full of canola oil, starches, processed soy, and strange-sounding ingredients can ever be healthier than pasture-raised, grass-fed beef or wild-caught salmon. Beyond Beef also includes the same amount of saturated fat and higher levels of sodium than regular beef, which can increase the risk for stroke and heart disease, according to Harvard medical studies.
To avoid becoming anemic, you need the B vitamins, magnesium, and iron found in animal products, especially for building muscle and repairing cell tissues. Sure, if you can’t access raw milk or digest dairy at all then it’s helpful to see the “V” label on foods, but you need to supplement with calcium to avoid deficiency.

Granted, some blood types do well on a vegetarian, plant-based diet. Some people find they can’t digest meat well, especially fatty forms like ground beef, and they might need more legumes, soaked and sprouted whole grains, nuts, fruits, veggies, and fish instead. Eating more plant-based foods is great if they’re in simple, unprocessed forms.
Dairy Free
Veganism brings us to dairy-free options, like vegan cheese and ice cream. Lactose intolerance has indeed skyrocketed in the last couple of decades. Some blood types also don’t digest (cow) dairy and should avoid it altogether. Or if you have a condition like PCOS or endometriosis, it’s common to avoid gluten and dairy free to manage symptoms.
Sometimes, with coconut milk bases and other alternatives, vegan dairy/dairy-free foods can be helpful options for those who are lactose intolerant or who cannot eat dairy at all. However, alternatives like dairy-free cheese, some almond milks, and dairy-free yogurts are full of processed seed oils combined with starch and gums to tease your taste buds, often counting many more calories and trans-fat than the regular dairy version. Not to mention, nuts are among the first ingredients, so they’re easy to overconsume. If you choose to live a dairy-free lifestyle, make sure to read labels and buy dairy-free alternatives that have minimal ingredients.

Yes, if you’re lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy, then dairy-free pizza sounds like a miracle (I’ve been there), but if you’re choosing to avoid dairy for other “health reasons,” then doing some research and comparing the nutrition of, say, raw milk to oat milk might be enlightening.
Keto eliminates all carbs, even most fruits and vegetables except leafy greens, and promotes an extreme with lots of high fat foods. If done correctly, keto can be an effective health guide for a certain period, especially for those who are really trying to lose excess weight.
But keto isn’t sustainable long-term, and the minute you reintroduce carbs back into your diet after a long period without them, it’s common for the weight to come back. Another potential downside of keto is that people can go overboard with high fat foods like cheese and avocados.

Additionally, your hormones need a balanced diet of healthy protein, fats, and carbs – just a certain kind of carbs. Indeed, it's wise to cut out starchy breads and sugary cereal and snack bars, but be mindful that your blood glucose doesn’t go crazy or you might be tempted to binge. Foods like sweet potatoes, green beans, squash, and berries are low-calorie, healthy carb options.
Paleo is probably one of the better diet fads because it focuses on eating closer to an ancestral diet of unprocessed, original foods and bone broth. Paleo mostly consists of food that would’ve been accessible by hunting and gathering, such as eggs, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, nuts and seeds, and avoids foods that emerged once farming evolved, like grains and dairy. It’s less restrictive than keto or Whole30 and focuses on whole foods, and if you’re someone who needs to avoid gluten and dairy, then googling Paleo recipes will inject some variety into your meal rotation.

However, paleo eaters can often go overboard with the nuts, one of the most calorically dense foods on Earth, especially when they’re trying to make substitute snacks and sweet treats. You only need small servings of nuts and only at certain times of the month when your hormones and metabolism need them, not every day, every week. It’s too much when you eat foods like paleo crackers, muffins, or brownies daily that are all made with almond flour or nut butter. I guarantee you that our hunter-gatherer ancestors didn’t have jars of nut or seed butter available to eat by the spoonful!
It’s also important to supplement vitamin D and B vitamins, magnesium, and calcium, or ensure you’re consuming other foods rich in those vitamins, if you aren’t eating dairy or grains.
Cauliflower Craze
For those who struggle with any form of IBS, this one probably worsened stomach issues. Cauliflower is cruciferous and high in sulfur, which can often cause bloating and indigestion, especially when eaten often and in large quantities. Even if you don’t have a weaker stomach, cruciferous foods can still cause bloating – so if you’re choosing cauliflower in an attempt to eat around a digestive issue, beware.

Foods like cauliflower rice, cauliflower mashed potatoes, and cauliflower hummus are tasty and low-carb options for those trying to be mindful of processed carbs, but if you struggle with bloating, try using sweet potatoes or mashed carrots instead and leave the Mr. Cruciferous out of the party. Cauliflower is a vegetable, yes, and it does have nutritional benefits, but it’s not for everyone and should never be used as an all-purpose substitute day in and day out.
Sometimes, Whole30 is not just a diet but a lifestyle, and other times people use it as an elimination diet. It’s similar to Paleo and one of the better diets, but it is more restrictive: no added or natural sugars (not even honey!), no grains/beans/legumes, no dairy, and no artificial or processed foods.
Whole30 might be a good option if you suspect you’re having negative reactions to something you’re eating, but you just can’t figure out what it is. After eliminating many common triggers of inflammation, allergies, and sensitivities for 30 days, you can gradually re-introduce one new food every few days and pay attention to what bothers you and what doesn’t.
The downside of Whole30 as a lifestyle is that it’s very restrictive and could be hard to maintain long-term, especially if you are someone who needs more carbs (you can only eat so many potatoes) or if you’re someone who isn’t bothered by dairy or grains.

Closing Thoughts
There is no one-size-fits-all menu, and health shouldn’t just be about restrictive diets. Clean, simple, minimally processed, original food with mindful portion control is always best.
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