5 Simple Tips To Stick To Weight-Loss Goals During Christmas
Christmas isn't the most popular time of year to be on a weight-loss journey, but that doesn't mean you can't achieve your goals. Here are some tips to help you stick to your weight-loss regimen and still enjoy the holidays.

This is the busiest time of year for many women out there and it's not known as the best time to work toward your weight-loss goals. There are countless Christmas parties, family reunions, and special annual events to get to, and at every single one of these events there is a plethora of unhealthy yet seasonally delicious food that's incredibly difficult to say no to. This is the time of year when the average American gains 5-7 pounds, so you may have people in your life who think it's insane that you're trying to lose weight during Christmas. But the only reason people think that is because most don't understand what it actually takes to lose weight. You don't have to entirely give up foods that you love and social gatherings that you enjoy. Weight loss isn't about completely depriving yourself; it's about learning to eat in moderation while focusing on a high-protein, nutrient-dense diet. Of course there is still room for a peppermint latte or slice of pumpkin pie.
After almost a decade of working in the health and fitness space, I've seen and heard it all. The women who find the most success in their weight-loss journey learned how to adjust their diet and nutrition habits to fit their lifestyle—not the other way around. That's why it's perfectly okay to continue your weight-loss efforts through a holiday season, a challenging period of your life, while you're traveling, etc. Life is never going to be perfect. There will always be distractions, obstacles, and hiccups that throw you off along the way. There's no use in waiting for your life to be completely uninterrupted, because you know deep down that will never happen. I'm working with a few women right now who are seeing amazing results so far; they got through Thanksgiving and are preparing for Christmas. There are ways to stick to your goals while still enjoying the magic of the season. Here are some tips to get you started.
Of course there is room for a peppermint latte or slice of pumpkin pie.
Frontload Protein before Social Gatherings
You know you're headed to a party with booze, various kinds of creamy chip dips, and endless cookies. They may have some finger foods like pigs in a blanket and deviled eggs, but you already know this isn't the place where you're going to get a balanced meal. Social gatherings like this can actually be the very reason why so many people throw in the towel and refuse to stick to their weight-loss goals during this time of year—they think it's pointless to even try and successfully tackle these parties. But you've got nothing to worry about.
Eat as much protein as you can early on in the day so you don't have to worry about finding lean sources of protein to eat at the party. I have some clients who are so serious about their goals that they'll eat nothing but protein until they get to the party (i.e. protein shake for breakfast, shredded chicken for lunch, beef jerky for a snack before the party). So when they arrive, they don't feel guilty or even concerned about the fact that they're going to be eating more carbs and fats than usual.
I also highly recommend never going to a party hungry. Always eat something about an hour before you head over there, because you want to feel satisfied but not full, content but not hungry. This will help you make better choices with what you're eating at the party, as you won't be blinded by your hunger. If you're someone who easily overeats at parties, make it a point to distract yourself with the guests and really spend some time getting to know others. In other words, be more interested in people than in the food around you.
Eat as much protein as you can early on in the day.
There is certainly room to enjoy the seasonal desserts and dishes while sticking to your weight-loss routine. Jut practice portion control. Accept one piece of pie, not three. Say yes to one cookie, not four. Track everything you eat and keep an eye on your macros (you can use an online macro calculator to figure out how much you need to be eating every day). There is room to enjoy yourself in moderation.
Get 10,000 Steps a Day
If you're traveling for the holidays, it can be difficult to maintain your workout routine if you are exercising regularly. One thing you can do no matter where you are is walk—and walking is a wonderful task for beginners to focus on. 10,000 steps a day has been proven to improve your overall health and stave off diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc., and it's also a wonderful way to stimulate your digestion, distract you from snacking mindlessly, and spend meaningful time with family in a way that doesn't involve electronics. Get your loved ones involved and go for a walk every day, even if it's cold outside and everyone has to bundle up.
Consider Your Alcohol Intake
You've probably heard the phrase "don't drink your calories." It's not a bad piece of advice actually. Alcohol not only increases your calorie intake, it also lowers inhibitions, which means you're much more likely to eat the kinds of food that don't really fit into your weight-loss regimen. Plus, your body treats alcohol like a poison, meaning that a lot of your other metabolic functions shut down in your system until you fully digest and process the alcohol. That means a lot of that food isn't used for energy and is instead stored as fat.
One thing you can do no matter where you are is walk.
At the very least, significantly reduce how much alcohol you're consuming during Christmas and choose carefully which types of alcohol you're drinking. Clear liquor is far fewer calories and has the least effect on your gut; stay away from beer as much as you can, and steer clear of the mixed cocktails with tons of added sugar. But even better than that is choosing to abstain from alcohol for a few months and see the incredible effects it will have on your system and especially on your weight-loss efforts.
Stay Hydrated and Sleep Well
Many people mistake thirst for hunger, so make sure you're drinking plenty of water throughout the day so you don't end up mindlessly snacking. It's just as important to get plenty of high-quality sleep so your body is well rested and can recover well. This will also promote better metabolic functions and improved immune system. If you're traveling this holiday season, bring whatever you need to be comfortable wherever you're sleeping. Getting a travel pillow you love really helps, and it also doubles up as lumbar support when you're sitting in the uncomfortable airplane seats. Aim for 100 ounces of water a day and 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
Take a Progress Photo Every Day
This is probably going to feel like the most tedious task on this list, but it's going to keep you honest with yourself. Take a progress photo of yourself every single day during the Christmas holidays. This will give you an honest, unfiltered look at your progress and how you're tracking through December. It's perfectly fine if you don't see much of a difference, but what you don't want to see is that your clothes are getting tighter or you're feeling less confident. The scale will be deceiving, depending on things like water retention due to salty food or menstrual cycle, but your progress photos don't lie so you'll be confronted with your real progress every day. This will keep you accountable with yourself and remind you to make healthy choices throughout the day.
Take a progress photo of yourself every single day during the Christmas holidays.
Closing Thoughts
Weight loss can be an enjoyable experience if you create the right mindset and environment. Christmas is the best time of year to reflect on everything in your life and what you've learned this past year. If you've been struggling with your health lately, this season will give you a lovely reminder of why you're embarking on this difficult journey, and that will give you the strength to carry on even when it gets tough and maybe even feels impossible. Be consistent, enjoy life, and remember every single day is a fresh slate to begin again.